Course Guides

Course Guides curate Library and other research-related resources for Notre Dame courses.

Course Guides

Course Guides should be organized so that they help students to use the Library and information resources in ways that promote their success in a particular course. Librarians work closely with instructors to decide the best resources and organization for a Course Guide. However, Librarians are responsible for designing, building, and maintaining that guide, as instructors are not eligible for LibGuides accounts.

Help your instructor understand the proper scope and role of the Course Guide. Things like assignments and grading rubrics are usually best embedded in a learning management platform such as Sakai.

Guide At-a-glance
example of a Course Guide
0 Must be based on the Course Guide template. No constraints on the guide information architecture (structure of pages and boxes).
1 Guide title must follow Course Title conventions.
2 Should provide a Course Overview Box to introduce the course description and instructor.
3 Requires author's profile box below left navigation on each page
4 No content may live beneath the profile box in the left navigation

Title Formatter

Course titles must conform to the approved format. Where course guide titles tend to be more complex than subject- and how-to guides, we recommend using this Title Formatter.

AFST 24100 — Introduction to Africana Studies: The Problematic of Race in America (Mohammed)

SOC 13181 / POLS 13181 — Social Science University Seminar: Immigration and Citizenship (Johnson)


Course Overview Box

Unless your instructor wants a Jumbotron to open their course guide, we recommend the first box of the first page of the course guide contain an overview of the course, which might Include a course description, instructor's contact information, and a link to the course management site, such as Sakai. Optionally, you may include an instructor's photo.

Your Image Library

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