Frequently Asked Questions

Here we answer the most frequently asked questions. For more information, see our Official Guidelines.


This is likely because you pasted text in a way that preserved the formatting from the original source. To avoid this, never paste text directly into a Rich Text content item. Instead, use the Paste From Word button.

Original Text From a Website
Notice that the text is grey and the link is orange. We don't want to copy those styles over.

I'm George Costanza, an economist and data analyst working as the Analytics Manager for the Marketing Consortium at Vandelay Industries. 

When Pasted Directly
This will paste all formatting and links. The extraneous styles are shown in red.

<p><span style="color: rgb(119, 119, 119); font-family: "Open Sans", Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 16px;">I'm George Costanza, an economist and data analyst working as the Analytics Manager for </span><a href="" style="background: 0px 0px rgb(255, 255, 255); color: rgb(254, 156, 28); cursor: pointer; font-family: "Open Sans", Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 16px; outline: none !important;" target="_blank">the Marketing Consortium</a><span style="color: rgb(119, 119, 119); font-family: "Open Sans", Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 16px;">at Vandelay Industries.</span></p>

When Pasted Using the Paste-from-Word/Web Option
This will preserve all links but remove previous formatting.

<p>I'm George Costanza, an economist and data analyst working as the Analytics Manager for <a href="" target="_blank">the Marketing Consortium</a> at Vandelay Industries.</p>

As a policy, we do not allow the embedding of code for ND Catalog or other Hesburgh Library searches into Guides. Instead, please direct users to the Library's homepage through a simple link. This will help us maintain modularity in our Guides, eliminating the proliferation of redundant, less secure code.

We do allow for the addition of API-generated search widgets such as the Proquest Historical Newspapers search box, or any search designed to run contextually-specific, target searches. LibGuides also provides readymade Google Search widgets for books, patents, images and the Web.

You may see all current mappable search boxes in, or suggesting a mapped search box for, our Resuable Assets Guide.

Because users typically keep their guides open as they explore resources and/or follow instructions, guide links have been set to open in a new window (or tab) by default. You may wish to override this in certain cases, such as:

  • Linking to pages from the same guide
  • Linking to a different guide, or any page which obviates the usefulness of the current guide

To force a new page to load in the current window:

1 Double-click on the link.
2 Select the Target tab in the pop-up window.
3 Select Same Window (_self) from the Target dropdown.
4 Click OK
image of the LibGuides link window showing the target attribute set to '_self'
image of the LibGuides formatting menu with no H1 or H2 elements available

For accessibility reasons, Springshare has removed the h1 and h2 headers from the dropdown menu in the WYSIWYG editor in the rich text boxes (see image at right). We have sized the remaining headers (h4...h6) for your use in rich text boxes.

While it is technically possible to code H1 and H2 headers directly in the source window, this violates the Guides Handbook and should be avoided.

We recommend the h4 heading text for creating strong content divisions in Rich Text/HTML boxes.

More about headers

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.


We do not issue LibGuides accounts to instructors because we want instructors to work closely with the Librarians who build their course guides. Unlike instructors, librarians are experts in:

  • Curating the libraries' various resources
  • Deploying those resources on the LibGuides platform
  • Contextualizing those resources using best practices of UX design and writing for the web.

Ultimately, librarians are best suited to guide instructors to the best organization and presentation of library resources for an instructor's course.


When using the Chrome browser on the Windows operating system, the drag-and-drop functionality for rearranging content items may not work properly. Springshare has acknowledged that this is a known issue—a bug for which there is no clear timetable for a fix.

We suggest that PC users edit their guides using the Firefox or Safari browser if experiencing this issue.

Because of the difference in copy-and-paste functionality on Apple devices, you must double-tap the icon to copy from the associated code well.